Course curriculum
0: Introduction to Course
0.0 Overview and Outline
0.1 Purpose, Intentions, and Useful Knowledge
0.2 The Fellow Traveler Educational Model
0.3 Fundamental Principles of An Islamic Education
0.4 - Islamization of Knowledge
0.5 Reaching Beyond the Stars
Reference Materials
1: Crisis in Islamic Economics
1.1 Introduction
1.2- Crisis in 2nd Generation Islamic Economics
1.3 - Four Flaws of Western Economics
1.4 - Two Puzzles About Islamic Economics
1.5 Four Revolutionary Islamic Concepts
1.6: Pragmatic Objections to Visionary 3rd Generation Islamic Economics
1.7: Golden Opportunity for 3rd Generation Islamic Economics
2: Gratitude, Contentment, and Trust
2.1 Gratitude
2.2 Contentment
2.3 Trust
2.4 Methodology
2.5 Economics
2.6 Politics
2.7 Uloom-ul-Umran
3: Western Social Sciences
3.1 The Puzzle of Western Social Science
3.2 Origins of Western Social Sciences
3.3 Rebuilding Social Sciences on Islamic Foundations - Part 1
3.4 Rebuilding Social Sciences on Islamic Foundations: Part 2
3.5 The Great Transformation in European Thought
3.6 The Methodology of Polanyi's Great Transformation
3.7 Uloom-ul-Umran: An Islamic Alternative to Western Social Science
3.8 Multiplexity: Alternative Approaches to Knowledge
4: How Capitalism Shapes Our Minds and Hearts
4.1 Uloom-ul-Umran vs. Eurocentric Social Science
4.2 Alternative Methodologies for Studying Social Change
4.3 Illustrations of the Social Change Process
4.4 Islamic and Western Theories of Knowledge
4.5 Emergence of A Market Economy
4.6 How Market Economies Shape Our Thoughts and Feelings
4.7 The Transition to A Capitalist Economy
4.8 Central Myths of Capitalism
4.9 The Battle for Knowledge: Countering Myths by Truths
5: Theories of Knowledge: Islamic & Western
5.1 Western Knowledge Excludes Heart and Soul
5.2: Intellectual Independence via a Multiplex Approach to Knowledge
5.3 Knowledge: East and West, with Application to Statistics
5.4 Seven Steps in the Search for Knowledge
5.5 Emergence of Logical Positivism
5.6 Marginalization of Morality in University Education
5.7 Ibn-e-Khaldun on Knowledge
5.8 Knowledge Triumphant
5.9 History of European Philosophy
6. Drivers of Social Change
Full Video Lesson
7: Exploiting Global South: Why? and How?
7.1 Power and Knowledge: Two Obstacles to Progress
7.2 Some Bizarre Methodological Assumptions of Economics