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Live Class "Nagios Project"
19th May, 3rd Live Class, TeamCity Project
TeamCity Project
Test Sigma
Overview first Test Case
Test suite and test plan
IF-Statement loops reuse Steps
Cross Browsing And Creating Agent To Run On Local Device
RestApi https Methods
Post Request
Put And Delete Request
Sequential Request Store Response
Environment Variables
Assigning security Group To Instance
Git checkout gitlog git diff_git rm
Git ignore_branches
Git Revert Reset_github Actions
1: Terraform Introduction
2: Terraform Installation Windows Linux
3: Terraform Basics Demos for Providers And Terraform Initialization - Made with Clipchamp
4: Terraform Basics AWS Setup
5: Terraform Basics Create Instance Through Terraform
6: Terraform Basics Centralized File For-Credentials
7: Terraform Basics Setting Environment Variables of Credentials
8: Terraform Basics Creating Multiple Instances
9: Terraform Basics_Terraform State file
10: Detailed Coverage Of Variables
12: terraform Functions and tfvar files
13: Create keyPair-through terraform
14: Assign pair to Instance
15: Use of terraform validate and fmt commands_create sg_through terraform_useOfLoops
16: Assigning securityGroup_ToInstance
17: Passing User's Data Through Terraform -
18: Provisioner: Use Of File Provisioner
19: Provisioner: Use of local_execProvisioner
1: TeamCity Introduction
2: TeamCity Installation as Docker Container and on Window OS
3: TeamCity Installation on Ubuntu
4: Configure and Run TeamCity First Build
5: Gradle Docker Project in TeamCity with complete Build Steps and Connections
6: Triggers in TeamCity
7: Mapping TeamCity with Jenkins Final Lecture
1-What is Chef_Workstation_Chef server and Node Architecture
2-Installation chef-workstation on ( Centos-7_Ubuntu-AWS machine)
3-Hands on lab_Create Cookbook and Reipe in Chef workstation
4-Hands on lab install apache and ngnix in ruby script
5-Deep Dive Hands on lab_What is Attribute in chef
7-Part_2_What is run list, How to execute multiple Recipe and Cookbook
8-How we connect workstation to chef-server
9-Connect Chef Server with Nodes on Linux
10-From the chef workstation upload cookbook on the chef server and attach run_list
11-Automare Node and create web server_Part_1
12-Automare Node and create web server_Part_2
13-What is Role_How to Delete Chef-cookbook-nodes and clients part_1
14-Create Role in Chef, Create 5 Instan in AWS Linux Machhine_Part-2
15-What is Role_How to Connect 5-Node from Chef-Server_Part-3-
16-What is Role, How to attach role from Node_Part-4
17-What is a role, How to fully automate in 5 nodes in 1 minute_Part-5
1-What is Continuous_Monitoring and Whay we need Continuous-Monitoring
2-What is Nagios and Countinuous Monitoring
3-Continuous_Monitoring, History of Nagios and why we need Nagios tool
4-Features of Nagios_Tools And Phases of Continuous Monitoring
5-Deep Dive Understand in Nagios Architecture_Nagios How does it work
6-How to create Nagios_Server on AWS-Amazon-Linux-Machine
7-(Part-1) Installation Nagios-Server on Amazon AWS Linux Machine
8-(Part-2) Installation Nagios-Server on Amazon AWS Linux Machine
9-Installation on AWS Amazon Linux Machine Nagios Client Nrpe-Agent Configuration
10-Client Monitoring on AWS Amazon Linux Machine and Nagios Client Nrpe-Agent Configuration
11-All Commands
12-How to send alert SMS SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) from Nagios in Gmail Account
13-Create Windows-Client and Monitor Windows-Clients from Nagios Core
1-Introduction to Splunk Understanding Splunk's Capabilities and Features
2-Why We Need Splunk tool and Splunk Fundamentals Introduction to Splunk and its Capabilities
3-How Splunk Changed the Game A Look at the History of Splunk
4-Splunk Architecture Explained Key Components and Design Principles
5-Installing Splunk_ Step-by-step installation process of Splunk on a Windows machine
6-Comprehensive Splunk Installation on AWS Linux and Ubuntu A Complete Walkthrough
7-Applying for a Splunk License Step-by-Step Instructions for Obtaining and Applying a Splunk License
8-Introduction to the Splunk Interface Overview of the Splunk user interface and its components
9-Installing the License Step-by-step guide to install the license in Splunk on AWS Ubuntu
10-A Beginner's Guide_Importing Data, dashboards to monitor and visualize data trends
11-Using Filters and Fields Filtering and refining search results using field extractions and search filters
12-Part_1_Combining Commands Using multiple search commands together to create more complex search queries
13-Part_2_Combining Commands Using multiple search commands together to create more complex search queries
14-Using Apps and Add-ons Exploring the features and functionality of installed apps and add-ons in Splunk
15-Monitoring Website Availability and Downtime with Splunk
introduction of ELK
installation ELKSTACK
how to store data in ELK stack
elkstack consol
replication OF shards
shards how it wokrs
lab-replica and shards
explore the data
data and logs